Image Credit: Apple Music 


The song Elohim, which is a part of the album, was originally written by the renowned guitarist Prince Hakeem. This is according to Pastor Nana Yaw Boakye, also known in the public as MOG.
 Hosted at the Royal House Chapel International (Ahenfie), during the live recording of his 'Better Me' album.
 Kofi Kpabitey, the renowned producer and keyboardist, also made a significant contribution to the song.


MOGmusic Elohim



{You are God, Elohim
Ancient of days
Reign, reign
There is none like you Lord
Ancient of days
Reign, reign} [x2]


{You are God, Elohim
Ancient of days
Reign, reign
You are God, Elohim
Ancient of days
Reign, reign} [x2]

There is none like you Lord
Ancient of days
Reign, reign

{You are God, Elohim
Ancient of days
Reign, reign
There is none like you Lord
Ancient of days
Reign, reign} [Repeat]

{Ancient of days
Reign, reign
Ancient of days
Reign, reign
Ancient of days

 Lyrics source: gospeljingle.com

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