Enjoy Joe Mettle's WONDERFUL MERCIFUL SAVIOR  here.



Wonderful, Merciful, Savior - Praise & Worship


wonderful, Merciful saviour

precious Redeemer and friend

who would have thought that a Lamb

Rescue the souls of men

ooh You rescue the souls of men

Councillor, Comforter, Keeper

spirit we long to embrace

You offer hope when our hearts have

Hopelessly lost our way

oooh we've hopelessly lost our way

You are the One that we praise

You are the One we adore

You give the healing and grace our

hearts always hunger for

oooh our hearts always hunger for

Almighty, Infinite Father

Faithfully loving your own

Here in our weakness you find us

Falling before your throne

oooh we're falling before your throne

You are the one that we praise

You are the one we adore

You give the healing and grace our

hearts always hunger for

oooh our hearts always hunger for


You are the one that we praise

You are the one we adore

You give the healing and grace our

hearts always hunger for

ooh are hearts always hunger for


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