Image Credit: Boomplay


'You are Yahweh' is a complex praise melody that Steve Crown weaves together to adore and honor the Lord Almighty.

'You are Yaweh' is a tune that instills in the listener a sense of God's overwhelming might and works. His magnificence and kindness become fillings in your spirit and soul, which is what the Lord asks of men, to acknowledge and be close to him, seeking his face in spirit and truth. 



Steve Crown's contribution to 'You Are Yahweh' establishes a degree of purity from the heart. Meanwhile, the choristers and instrumentalists who accompanied the track possess the right qualities needed for such a great work.
Steve Crown brings to bear the impact of true worship.



You can Stream the music here



You Are Yahweh - Steve Crown

You're the Good who was, who is and is to come

Jesus..... Jesus

And in you I trust my life is in your hands.

Jesus, You are the miracle working God

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( chorus)

You are Yahweh, You are Yahweh×2

You are Yahweh, Alpha and Omega×2

( speaking in the Holy ghost)


( chorus)

You're Yahweh, you are Yahweh×2

You are Yahweh, Alpha and Omega×2

You're Yahweh, you are Yahweh×2

You are Yahweh, Alpha and Omega×2

(back to chorus)


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